发布日期:2024-04-12 18:28:26

Hard Reset

今天给各位分享Hard Reset的知识,其中也会对Hard Reset进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!


1、Hard Reset



  The world as we know it ceased to exist. Humanity is at the verge of extinction, living in the last closed city of Bezoar. Mankind wages war against the machines controlling vast areas of what became the 'Barrens'. Machines want to control and assimilate 'The Sanctuary' a network that holds billions of digitalized human minds. Our hero, Maj. Fletcher, is a soldier of CLN - a corporation combat unit, established to protect the city. Machines are constantly assaulting the walls of Bezoar. Fletcher moves in when Bezoar's protective barrier is breached.

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free online casino games win real money no deposit with bonus codes for free spins and free chips  在人类仅存的城市 Bezoar,梅杰弗莱彻这位陆战队员退伍军人兼 CLN 士兵,被卷入与人类威胁最大的两个敌人的战斗中. 但他并没有发现自己已经深陷其中。

Hard Reset 是一个 PC 上的单人动作射击游戏. 可以炸裂墙壁, 超负荷敌方机械, 丰富的武器和一个非常惊艳的未来世界 , Hard Reset 将是一个非常震撼的射击场所。


◎ 一个令你终生难忘的未来世界/ 黑暗科幻小说的构造

◎ 快节奏, 旧派射击风格的游戏

◎ 成群结队的敌人等你击破

◎ 史诗级的 BOSS 战

◎ 一个让你印象深刻, 用经验值来提升武器等级的系统

◎ 逼真的……显示全部  操作系统Win Xp/Win 7/Win VistaCPUIntel Core2 Duo E4600 @ 2.40Hz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+内存2 GB硬盘4 GB

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